韓国生まれニューヨーク在住のアーティスト テズ・パクは、アナログとデジタルの技術を探求するデジタルアーティストです。デジタルコードをユニークに使うことで新しい芸術形態を推し進め、放棄されて忘れ去られた技術の中に存在する「キャラクター」を強調しています。彼はそれを “Digital Being “と呼んでいます。
「Digital Being」はアーティスト自身とともにABCニュース、BBCニュース、ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community、ACM SIGGRAPH Asia、World Maker Faire、CHI(Computer-Human Interaction)、SPRING/BREAK Art Show、Governors Island Art Fair、Lower East Side Ecology Center、IFPによるMade in NY Media Center、AFA Gallery、World Trade Centerなど主要メディアで紹介されました。
2020年11月から2021年11月まで、最新のインタラクティブ・インスタレーション「Digital Being: Rebirth」が3 ワールドトレードセンターで展示されています。

Pratt Institute | New York, USA | Class of 2012 | M.F.A. Digital Arts
Hong-Ik University | Korea | Class of 2007 | B.F.A. Animation
“Les Étrangers” | Maison 10 | New York, NY | 02/06 – 05/27/2022
“REASONS” | NYC Culture Club Gallery, New York, USA | 11/04 – 12/05/2021
“TO THE DIGITAL” | PAGIC Gallery, Tokyo, Japan | 10/15 – 31/2021
“DIFFUSION / COHESION” | The Sylbia Wald and Po Kim Gallery, New York, U.S.A | 09/10 – 11/10/2021
“NFTism: No Fear in Trying” curated by Kenny Schachter | Unit London and Instituto, London, U.K. | 09/10 – 25/2021
“Resurgence” | NYC Culture Club, The Oculus, World Trade Center, New York, U.S.A. | 06/24 – 7/25/2021
“New Era” | DMOARTS, Osaka, Japan | 03/09 – 21/2021
“Digital Being: Rebirth” | 3 World Trade Center, NY, U.S.A. | 11/11/2020 – 11/11/2021
“PLAY HOUSE“ by Smartech | Selfridges (The Selfridges Corner Shop), U.K. | 12/03/2020 – 01/03/2021
“Digital Being: “Hello, World!“” | Siggraph Asia 2020, Virtual | 12/04 – 13 /2020
“Yesterday, What I saw in my dream” supported by Ulsan City | Ulsan, Korea | 07/04 – 12/2020
“SENTIENT ELECTRONICS”curated by Syntax Project | 117 Beekman St. New York, NY | 10/05 – 11/30/2019
“Portal: Governors Island” | Governors Island, NY | 08/31 – 9/29/2019
“FUTURE/PAST” curated by Tam Gryn and Sharit Kassab | Showfields, New York, NY | 03/15 – 04/01/2019
“Hypervirtuality“ | Radiator Arts, LIC, NY | 12/13/2018 – 02/08/2019
“ACM Siggraph Asia: Art Gallery“ | Tokyo International Forum, Japan | 12/05-07/2018
“ACM SIGGRAPH DAC: The Urgency of Reality in a Hyper-Connected Age“ | On-line | 12/05/2018 – Endless
“World Maker Faire New York“| New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 09/22- 23/2018
“Broken TV in Digital Era” presented by NY Media Center | 30 John St. Brooklyn, NY | 08/01- 09/25/2018
“Wonderlust“ | AFA Gallery, New York, NY | 06/07 – 09/03/2018
“Moniker Art Fair” invited by the Art Fair | Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse, Brooklyn, NY | 05/03 – 26/2018
“The Art of Tech” presented by Tech in Motion | AFA Gallery, New York, NY | 03/01 – 25/2018
“OPEN (C)ALL: TRUTH” | BRIC Arts Media, Brooklyn, NY | 11/16 – 12/17/2017
“Barnes & Noble’s Mini Maker Faire” | Union Square Store of B & N, New York, NY | 11/11 – 12/2017
“World Maker Faire New York” | New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 09/23 – 24/2017
“Future Reboot” | Dennis Hull Gallery, NJ | 08/29 ~ 10/03/2017
“FROM DIGITAL AND BACK” | Pratt Manhattan Gallery, NY | 07/10 – 09/09/2017
“NIGHTSHIFT” | Abrazo Interno Gallery at Clemente Center, NY | 07/08 – 07/31/2017
“TV Being 010-01” presented by NY Media Center by IFP | 30 John St. Brooklyn, NY | 05/11 – 07/02/2017
“Streets to Tower” | 4 World Trade Center, Manhattan, NY | 09/11/2016 – 9/11/2017
“Merge 3 (Video Art + Contemporary Dance)” | 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Japan | 01/28~29/2014
“Tower to Streets” | World Trade Gallery, Manhattan, NY | 09/15~10/17/2016
“World Maker Faire New York” | New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 10/01- 02/2016
“GIAF(Governors Island Art Fair)” | Governors Island, NY | 09/03 – 25/2016
“Portal Art Fair“ | Federal Hall National Memorial, Manhattan, NY | 05/03 – 10/2016
“Erased Waste” | Hot Wood Art Center, Brooklyn, NY | 05/07~06/12/2016
“One if by Land, One if by Sea” | NY Media Center by IFP, Brooklyn, NY | 04/07 – 30/2016
“Two Alumni Show” | Pratt Digital Arts Gallery, Brooklyn, NY | 10/26~11/05/2015
“World Maker Faire New York” | New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 09/26 – 27/2015
“No Parking” | Ca’ d’Oro Gallery, New York, NY | 07/23 – 08/12/2015
“New Museum’s IDEAS CITY: The Invisible City” | 203 Chrystie St, New York, NY | 05/30/2015
“SPRING/BREAK Art Show: Transaction” | Skylight at Moynihan Station, New York, NY | 03/03 – 08/2015
“Digital Being at Gowanus eWaste Warehouse” | Brooklyn, NY | 02/20/2015
“DUMBO Arts Festival” | St. Ann’s Warehouse, Brooklyn, NY | 09/26 – 28/2014
“World Maker Faire New York” | New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 09/20 – 21/2014
“GIAF(Governors Island Art Fair)” | Governors Island, NY | 09/06 – 28/2014
“Contemporary Art Fair NYC” | The Tunnel on 11th Ave and 27th street, New York, NY | 05/08~11/2014
“CHI2014 (Computer-Human Interaction)” | Toronto, Canada | 04/26 – 05/01/2014
“Merge 2” (Video / Interactive Art / Dance Performance) | CPR, Brooklyn, NY | 02/22/2014
“Scale” | Olive Tjaden Gallery at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | 01/27~02/07/2014
“GIAF(Governors Island Art Fair)” | Governors Island, NY | 09/07 – 29/2013
“Contemporary Art Fair NYC” | Javits Center, New York, NY | 10/25 – 27/2013
“World Maker Faire New York” | New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 09/21 – 22/2013
“Merge 1” (Video / Interactive Art / Dance Performance) | Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY | 07/17/2013
“Re:Incarnation” | Harvestworks Gallery, New York, NY | 03/29 – 31/2013
“World Maker Faire New York” | New York Hall of Science, Queens, NY | 09/29 – 30/2012
CMA Contemporaries | Children’s Museum of Arts, NY | 2020
4head’s artist residency program | Governors Island, NY | 2014, 2015 and 2017
Lower East Side Ecology Center’s E-waste Warehouse | Brooklyn, NY | 2014 and 2015